
Healthy relationships are essential to our physical and mental well-being, as they provide social support, reduce stress, and help us feel valued. A healthy relationship may look different for each person, but most healthy relationships share common characteristics.

A healthy relationship is one that makes both parties feel good. A healthy relationship is equal – not one-sided.

A healthy relationship is respectful – mutually respectful. A healthy relationship is honest – open communication.

A healthy relationship is loving – affection and caring for each other.

A healthy relationship is safe – healthy boundaries.

Do This If You Want A Lasting Relationship

Do This If You Want A Lasting Relationship

Understandably, people always want to know how they can have a good, solid relationship that withstands the test of multiple decades. Researchers dedicate their life’s work to better understanding human psychology in order to help people maintain better relationships. While many studies reveal “good communication,” “common interests,” and “frequent sex” to be “the most important…

This Is How Often You Should Be Having Sex For Optimal Health

This Is How Often You Should Be Having Sex For Optimal Health

Eat your vegetables and fruits, get seven to nine hours of sleep, don’t smoke, walk 30 minutes a day, stand more, stress less, be more mindful. It can be quite an undertaking to arrange and maintain a schedule that promotes health and longevity. And interestingly, the one activity you may not be placing high enough…