healthy eating food

Two Excedrin products are temporarily discontinued, company says

Two Excedrin products are temporarily discontinued, company says

Many of my patients swear by Excedrin for migraine relief. Unfortunately, GlaxoSmithKline, the company that makes Excedrin Extra Strength and Excedrine Migraine has temporarily discontinued both products. And many regular users of these products are already in distress over the shortage. You may have guessed the reason for this is because there was a quality…

One in Five Deaths Globally Are Due To Sepsis, Much Higher Than Previous Estimates

One in Five Deaths Globally Are Due To Sepsis, Much Higher Than Previous Estimates

A new study estimates that twice the amount previously estimated die from sepsis worldwide. Previous studies were limited to middle- and high-income countries where sepsis cases were treated at a hospital. This new study, however, included low-income countries and sepsis cases that occurred outside of a hospital. So, it’s not so much that the numbers…

Cancer Death Rate Posts Biggest One-Year Drop, Ever!

Cancer Death Rate Posts Biggest One-Year Drop, Ever!

While some health statistics seem to be getting worse each year, there’s some good news when it comes to cancer deaths. The American Cancer Society is calling the recent historic drop in cancer death rates ‘the biggest single-year drop ever.’ As a medical doctor, I see firsthand how devastating cancer can be to my patients…

‘Intermittent Fasting’ Diets Could Boost Your Overall Health Significantly

‘Intermittent Fasting’ Diets Could Boost Your Overall Health Significantly

We’ve covered the four ‘health’ fads of 2019 that can be bad for you, but here is one that could be good for you! Millions of people make New Year’s resolutions to get fit, lose weight, or eat better. But oftentimes people bite off more than they can chew (pun intended) and set themselves up…

The Benefits of Playing Music Help Your Brain More Than Any Other Activity

The Benefits of Playing Music Help Your Brain More Than Any Other Activity

Music has powerful effects on our brains. It doesn’t matter if it’s hip-hop, R&B, jazz, electronic, or classical. If you like what’s playing, you’ll feel good and improve your mood. And, according to new research, musical training could help improve your focus. Music and Attention Researchers looked at 18 professional musicians who had been practicing…

The Harmful Effects of a Gluten-free Diets

The Harmful Effects of a Gluten-free Diets

Part dietary necessity, part diet fad, gluten-free food is available almost everywhere these days. Many well-known celebrities tout the gluten-free diet, but that doesn’t mean it’s the right option for you. There are downsides to this diet. Gluten-Free – It’s Not For Everyone A diet without gluten can have a downside even though many people…

Taking Ibuprofen During a Cold Makes You 3.4 Times More Likely to Have a Heart Attack

Taking Ibuprofen During a Cold Makes You 3.4 Times More Likely to Have a Heart Attack

Physical pain affects each of us at one time or another in our lives. It’s in those times that we realize what a gift our good health is, and we do what we can to ease the discomfort we’re feeling, often with pills, drugs, and pharmaceutical medicine. NSAID is an abbreviation for nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs….