Colon Cancer

Colon cancer occurs in the large intestine, which is also known as the bowel or rectum. Colon cancer starts when normal cells in the bowel start to grow abnormally. These abnormal cells can form into a tumour. Colon cancer can be treated if caught early, but it can be fatal if left untreated. Colon cancer is most common in people over the age of 50. However, it is not exclusive to this age group. Anyone can get colon cancer. Colon cancer is much easier to prevent than to treat. By making sure to get regular screenings, you can help to catch this disease early on.

The Rising Threat of Early-Onset Colorectal Cancer: Unveiling the Hidden Risks
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The Rising Threat of Early-Onset Colorectal Cancer: Unveiling the Hidden Risks

In recent years, a disturbing trend has emerged in the health landscape: more young people are receiving diagnoses of early-onset colorectal cancer. Despite significant advancements in medical research and cancer treatment, this specific age group surprisingly faces a growing threat. This rise contrasts sharply with the overall decrease in colorectal cancer rates observed over the…

ACS Changes the Colorectal Cancer Screening Age to 45!
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ACS Changes the Colorectal Cancer Screening Age to 45!

Today the American Cancer Society released new screening guidelines for colorectal cancer, including changing the age to 45! This discovery was just published in the CA: A Cancer Journal for Clinicians and states that doctors need to change the age from 50. It is due to younger people presenting with symptoms early, and with the proper treatment,…

3 Biggest Fears About Getting a Colonoscopy
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3 Biggest Fears About Getting a Colonoscopy

Have you been putting off getting a colorectal cancer screening because the very thought fills you with dread and terror? You are not alone! I witness so much fear around this procedure. Guess what? The anxiety is unnecessary. The process, however, can save your life. So I’m sharing the three biggest common fears that most people have…