Mental Health

Here’s What Getting Less Than 7 Hours of Sleep a Night Can Do to You

Here’s What Getting Less Than 7 Hours of Sleep a Night Can Do to You

Sleep is brain food that is vital for good health. Not only does it affect our energy levels, but also our ability to think, pay attention, make decisions, and be productive. And a new study found sleep can also affect our ability to lose weight. How Is Sleep-Related To Weight Loss? Researchers evaluated almost 2,000…

Drinking Too Much Caffeine While Pregnant May Damage Your Baby’s Liver

Drinking Too Much Caffeine While Pregnant May Damage Your Baby’s Liver

According to a new study published in the Journal of Endocrinology, drinking too much caffeine while pregnant could damage your baby’s liver. But how much is too much? Researchers studied the effects of caffeine on pregnant rats and found that high amounts of caffeine during pregnancy could impede the overall growth and development of a newborn…

Which Jobs Affect Women’s Heart Health The Most?

Which Jobs Affect Women’s Heart Health The Most?

Researchers at Drexel University in Philadelphia found that female Social Workers top the list for heart disease risk. They were found to be 36% more likely to cardiovascular problems. Retail cashiers fell shortly behind Social Workers with a 33% higher risk. And the third group in line, Home Health Aids and Psychiatrists, had an elevated…

Winter is coming early, are you ready?

Winter is coming early, are you ready?

My family certainly isn’t complaining about the winter wonderland outside. I know two young boys who absolutely adore the fluffy white stuff – my sons. They’re eager to get outside and play, but know it’s really important to dress appropriately before heading outdoors.  Can Cold Weather Make Health Conditions Worse? Absolutely. Changes in the weather…

Unregulated Homeopathic Remedies Are Opening Up Consumers to Serious Health Risks

Unregulated Homeopathic Remedies Are Opening Up Consumers to Serious Health Risks

Homeopathic remedies have become a multi-billion dollar industry. This figure is not surprising since it’s estimated that ⅓ of Americans use these alleged “remedies”. The alternative medicine practice of homeopathy dates back to the 1700s based on the belief that your body can “cure itself”. This can be referred to as “like cures like”; the…