
Healthy gentle parenting is a non-violent way of raising children. It aims at promoting the well-being of the child rather than obedience. Healthy gentle parenting is not permissive. It is not letting your kids do whatever they want. It is not about being nice to your kids. It is not letting your kids get away with anything. Healthy gentle parenting is about connection. It is about being intentional with your words and actions. It is about being respectful and thoughtful towards your child. It is about making sure that your child feels loved, validated, and accepted no matter what.

Healthy gentle parenting is a mindset, a way of raising our children with love, patience, and kindness. By being more conscious of our actions and words, we can all incorporate healthy parenting techniques into our daily lives. Healthy parenting is about creating a safe, nurturing environment where children can grow and thrive. There are many ways to practice healthy parenting, and the exact techniques will vary based on each family’s unique needs and situation. Some of the most important principles of healthy parenting are consistency, balance, empathy, and mindfulness.

The Foster Care Crisis: The Shortage Of Foster Parents In America
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The Foster Care Crisis: The Shortage Of Foster Parents In America

Children abused. Children neglected. Children abandoned. Children being placed into foster care; a foster care system where there are not enough homes. The media and news continue to report on the shortage of foster parents and foster homes across the nation.  In Georgia and Tennessee, child welfare workers fight to find homes for the increasing…

Why America’s Babies Are Suffering: Opioid Addictions Placing More Babies In Foster Care
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Why America’s Babies Are Suffering: Opioid Addictions Placing More Babies In Foster Care

The baby lay screaming in the hospital crib, its tiny frame racked with pain. Powerless to help, the nurse tried to comfort the baby as best she could. Two more babies in the hospital were suffering with the same condition, yet there was little she could do. The newborn baby was going through withdrawal from…

This Game On Social Media Is Driving More Teens To Commit Suicide
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This Game On Social Media Is Driving More Teens To Commit Suicide

A new game has arisen online for today’s teenagers, revolving around a blue whale and suicide. Shockingly in Russia, 130 teenagers in Russia have taken their lives since November of 2015 through this new and deadly online game, known as the “blue whale.”  Inspired by images of blue whales washed up on beaches, teenagers are…

Modern Day Slavery DOES Exist in America: How Our Children Are Victims Today
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Modern Day Slavery DOES Exist in America: How Our Children Are Victims Today

Children, sold hour after hour after hour, day after day, week after week, mostly for reasons of sex. Right here, in the land of the free, and the home of the brave. Children just like the ones that live in your home. Children just like the ones you are related to. Children just like the ones…

The Ugly Truth About Co-parenting After Divorce: 3 Tips to Make it Livable
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The Ugly Truth About Co-parenting After Divorce: 3 Tips to Make it Livable

This  article was originally posted on Divorced parents, please stop pointing fingers at one another and start co-parenting. In a perfect divorce scenario, both parties separate amicably putting their children’s needs above their own misery. These parents recognize that their existing issues need to be resolved without involving the children. They do their best to…

Ask Dr. Nandi: Are gluten-free diets hurting kids?
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Ask Dr. Nandi: Are gluten-free diets hurting kids?

Effects of gluten-free diet on children (WXYZ) – Gluten-free diets have become very popular in recent years, but new research finds the diets may do more harm than good for most children. Celiac disease is on the rise and the only treatment for it is a gluten-free diet. An article in the Journal of Pediatrics…

Your Kids Feelings About Your Divorce
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Your Kids Feelings About Your Divorce

This article was originally posted on Parents, do you know your kids often hide their intense feelings about your divorce? Kids of divorce may seem emotionally stable on the outside but inside they are probably struggling. Sometimes as parents we are so busy with our own issues or daily lives that we are not always…

4 Tips To Building Self-Confidence In Your Kids
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4 Tips To Building Self-Confidence In Your Kids

This article was originally published on It’s Friday and what a week it has been. Running around for work and making sure I was at both kids Valentine’s parties. I’m sure you know that hurried feeling. As I was walking into my daughter’s classroom, one of the mothers stopped me in the hall and asked…