
Having a sense of purpose in your life is linked to many positive mental and physical health outcomes, such as a decreased risk of Alzheimer’s disease, better sleep, and decreased stress. Purpose also helps you feel more connected to and invested in the things that you do throughout the day, which can have a positive impact on your mental health. Purpose doesn’t have to be something grandiose; it can be something as simple as making your daily activities more meaningful. Purpose can be something as simple as cooking a meal for someone who can’t do it themselves, or cleaning your house or office with a systematic and methodical approach, making each task a small piece of art. Purpose can also be something that is a bit grander, like engaging in activism to help others, volunteering, or pursuing passions and hobbies.

Benefits of Fitness Equipment for Schools: Are Your Students Fit Enough to Win at Life?
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Benefits of Fitness Equipment for Schools: Are Your Students Fit Enough to Win at Life?

All school kids should get about 60 minutes of exercise per day, says an Institute of Medicine report. They do not have to work out for an hour straight. In fact, the best results come from children engaging in physical activities for about 30 minutes during school hours and 30 minutes before or after school….

Why Kids Need Dads – The Science Of The ‘Father Effect’
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Why Kids Need Dads – The Science Of The ‘Father Effect’

Having a good father figure can make an enormous difference in one’s upbringing. Children whose fathers are actively involved in their lives are less likely to drop out of school, break the law, have risky sex, be homeless, rely on welfare, be obese, have psychological problems, get into unhealthy relationships, and be unemployed. (1, 2,…

Yoga Poses for Heart Health
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Yoga Poses for Heart Health

Every year in the United States, roughly 600,000 people die from heart disease. High blood pressure, smoking, and high cholesterol are key causes of heart disease. Stress, anxiety, poor diet, and lack of physical activity are key culprits of heart disease. Yoga builds cardiovascular health, increases lung capacity, and improves respiratory function and heart rate….

Top Back-To-School Health Risks & How To Avoid Them
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Top Back-To-School Health Risks & How To Avoid Them

As the summer vacation comes to a close, we come to accept that back-to-school is imminent. This season change may mean more quiet hours at home for you with the kids away, or it may mean starting up a few classes yourself. Whatever the case for your household, it’s important to be prepared not only…