Natural Therapies

Natural therapies are a category of non-medical treatment, which involves the use of natural substances or activities to improve health and wellness. They are commonly used to prevent or treat illnesses and conditions, reduce symptoms, and promote overall health and wellness. Natural therapies are widely used in conventional and alternative medicine. They are often favored for their supposed reduced side effects and lack of dependence. Natural therapies include things like yoga, meditation, acupuncture, Ayurveda, reiki, and others.

Yoga Poses for Heart Health
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Yoga Poses for Heart Health

Every year in the United States, roughly 600,000 people die from heart disease. High blood pressure, smoking, and high cholesterol are key causes of heart disease. Stress, anxiety, poor diet, and lack of physical activity are key culprits of heart disease. Yoga builds cardiovascular health, increases lung capacity, and improves respiratory function and heart rate….

The Role of Spirituality in Healthcare
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The Role of Spirituality in Healthcare

Spirituality is an integral part of the #healthhero experience. It can improve your health and well-being. It can support your ability to cope with illness and enhance your recovery. Spirituality can not only be an important part of your personal healing but also play a role in your entire healthcare experience. In this article, I…

5 Yoga Poses To Reduce Bloating and Improve Digestion
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5 Yoga Poses To Reduce Bloating and Improve Digestion

Yoga is an excellent way to improve digestion and reduce bloating caused by gas. The twists and the forward bends along with all the conscious breath work are such a wonderful way to improve digestion.  Adding the emphasis on drawing the navel to the spine at the end of exhalation is an added bonus. These…

How To Improve Your Meditation Practice + 7 Tips To Mindfulness
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How To Improve Your Meditation Practice + 7 Tips To Mindfulness

Do you want to experience more happiness, better health, less stress, and less anxiety in your life? I bet you do!Mindfulness and meditation are necessary for almost anyone in this day and age where stress and depression are at an all time high. But what is mindfulness and how can you learn to meditate without…