
Making these 4 changes can increase your lifespan, Johns Hopkins study shows

Making these 4 changes can increase your lifespan, Johns Hopkins study shows

Most of us look forward to long, healthy lives, yet often we can be our own worst enemies when it comes to health. However, the secret to a longer life could be easier to attain, thanks to a new John Hopkins study. Although it might seem there are no real surprises in their findings, one…

Canada Declares Plastics Toxic, Paving the Way for Restrictions

Canada Declares Plastics Toxic, Paving the Way for Restrictions

Under the Canadian Environmental Protection Act (CEPA) plastic is now considered toxic in Canada. Following months of lobbying led by Canada’s plastic industry, the country should see serious bans on single-use plastic items. (1) Canada Declares Plastics Toxic Despite both the plastics and food industries trying to avoid the use of the word “toxic” in…

Will Smith’s Empty Barbell Squat Contains a Valuable Lesson for Men Over 50

Will Smith’s Empty Barbell Squat Contains a Valuable Lesson for Men Over 50

Will Smith committed on his Instagram to get in the “best shape of his life” and he’s doing it right. In a recent post, the 52-year-old actor shared that he is stepping up his health and fitness for a YouTube series. But you won’t see the star working out like Thor or Superman. Not yet,…

Cholesterol may be Key to New Therapies for Alzheimer’s Disease, Diabetes

Cholesterol may be Key to New Therapies for Alzheimer’s Disease, Diabetes

According to a University of Arizona Health Sciences study, cholesterol could play a role in Alzheimer’s disease and Type 2 diabetes. Researchers identified a molecule they believe might prove valuable in regulating cholesterol levels in the brain, providing a potential therapy for Alzheimer’s disease. (1) Cholesterol, Alzheimer’s Disease, And Diabetes Type 2 diabetes results when…

New Study Shows Stronger Link Between Processed Red Meat and Heart Disease

New Study Shows Stronger Link Between Processed Red Meat and Heart Disease

For many years now, scientific research has suggested a link between red meat intake and heart disease. This correlates with the American Heart Association urging people to limit the amount of red meat consumed, pointing toward a healthier diet of poultry, fish, and beans. (1)  What Is Red Meat? Red meat is usually one of…

4 Minutes of HIIT can help Diabetes, Liver, Heart, Lungs
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4 Minutes of HIIT can help Diabetes, Liver, Heart, Lungs

In recent years, one of the most popular trends in fitness training has been High-Intensity Interval Training, or HIIT, for short. (1)   HIIT is a 100% effort training technique through rapid, intensive exercise bursts accompanied by brief, but at times active, periods of recovery. The total training session is usually between 15-30 minutes, keeping the…

Gall Bladder Bile Acids Help Us Feel Full

Gall Bladder Bile Acids Help Us Feel Full

Appetite Hormones Many substances help control our appetite, but two hormones are recognized as having a major influence on regulating this process. They are ghrelin and leptin. Ghrelin is called the “hunger hormone” because it stimulates appetite, increases food intake, and promotes fat storage. It is a gut-brain peptide thought to operate between the stomach…