
Glyphosate Exposure During Pregnancy Changes Baby Girl Hormones
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Glyphosate Exposure During Pregnancy Changes Baby Girl Hormones

Glyphosate is a herbicide (the most widely used herbicide in human history) used to destroy certain plants and grasses, harvest crops, and ripen fruit. Since 1974, at least 18.9 billion pounds of glyphosate-based herbicides have been sprayed worldwide. After introducing genetically modified crops in 1996, glyphosate usage has risen dramatically. (1,6) A new peer-reviewed pilot study on…

Fertility Rate: ‘Jaw-Dropping’ Global Crash In Children Being Born
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Fertility Rate: ‘Jaw-Dropping’ Global Crash In Children Being Born

According to researchers, the world is experiencing a crash in births. Falling fertility could have a “jaw-dropping” impact on societies, including shrinking populations that could be halved by the next millennium. (1)  A Look at Fertility Rates Dropping Researchers at the University of Washington’s Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation found global fertility rates had…

Colorado Saw A Nearly ‘Nonexistent Influenza Season’ This Year Thanks To C-19 Safety Measures

Colorado Saw A Nearly ‘Nonexistent Influenza Season’ This Year Thanks To C-19 Safety Measures

Every year Americans are faced with flu season. While flu is often looked at as more of a nuisance than a risk, in 2018/2019 there were an estimated 34,000 deaths. However, with the precautions introduced to reduce the spread of the coronavirus, there was also a reduction in the spread of the flu. As a result, Colorado…

What is Heartburn?

What is Heartburn?

Despite its name, heartburn doesn’t actually have anything to do with the heart. Its symptoms, however, can be confused for heart attack or heart disease, depending on the severity.  What Is Heartburn? Heartburn is an uncomfortable, burning irritation in the esophagus, which is the tube that connects your stomach to your throat. Sometimes, the stomach…

3-D Printing inside the Body Could Patch Stomach Ulcers

3-D Printing inside the Body Could Patch Stomach Ulcers

Though 3-D printing seems like a brand new technology, it’s been around for a few decades already. It was in 1981 when Hideo Kodama, a Japanese inventor, used ultraviolet lights to create solid objects. Then in 1984, Charles Hull invented stereolithography. This is a process that allows us to create solid objects using digital data…