Brain Health

When we talk about maintaining brain health, we are referring to the idea of slowing the process of cognitive decline. The goal of maintaining brain health is to keep your mind sharp well into old age. Maintaining brain health is important because a decline in cognitive function can make life much more difficult. It can be frustrating to have a harder time with things like thinking and remembering. It can be embarrassing to have to ask others for help when you need it. It can be dangerous to make poor decisions because of a decline in cognitive function. There is a lot at stake when it comes to maintaining your brain health, and that is why so many people are interested in the topic.

Top Back-To-School Health Risks & How To Avoid Them
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Top Back-To-School Health Risks & How To Avoid Them

As the summer vacation comes to a close, we come to accept that back-to-school is imminent. This season change may mean more quiet hours at home for you with the kids away, or it may mean starting up a few classes yourself. Whatever the case for your household, it’s important to be prepared not only…

The Binge Drinking And College Suicide Link

The Binge Drinking And College Suicide Link

It is a common belief that college is all about parties and drinking. Okay, perhaps it’s about studying and preparing for a career too. However, drinking – including binge drinking – is not only common but is considered “cool” among many. Drinking and binge drinking are so normalized among college and university students that many…

Tips for Packing Healthy School Lunches on a Budget
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Tips for Packing Healthy School Lunches on a Budget

Back to school means back to lunch preparation for parents around the country. It’s a challenge that many parents take on, but often struggle to keep healthy. While it’s easy to toss in convenient snacks, it’s not going to do much in the way of keeping their little bodies healthy and developing well. One pediatrician wants parents…

11 Tips to Help Your Anxious Child
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11 Tips to Help Your Anxious Child

Anxiety can be a crippling burden sometimes, and it can show up in many forms including headaches, sweating, trembling, excessive worrying, rapid breathing and increased heart rate, feeling tired, difficulty concentrating or just feeling nervous, restless or irritable. Most of us worry from time to time. But when we carry the worry around everywhere we…

The Surprising Health Consequences of Finding Your Purpose
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The Surprising Health Consequences of Finding Your Purpose

Ikigai is a Japanese word meaning a reason for being. Simply put, ikigai is your purpose. It’s what gets you up in the morning.  What is your purpose in life? For many of us, our purpose revolves around our family and loved ones. For others, there’s a passion for our career, or reaching a goal such as running…