Mental Health

Mental health refers to our emotional well-being and how we manage our thoughts, feelings, and behaviour. It is important to have a healthy mental approach to life and to manage stress in order to maintain mental health. Maintaining a healthy mental approach to life means accepting that life isn’t perfect and that you won’t get everything you want. It also means being open to new experiences and trying new things even if you’re afraid. Managing stress means recognizing when you’re feeling stressed and taking steps to reduce that stress. Everyone experiences stress, and that’s not necessarily a bad thing. Stress can be helpful because it can motivate you to take action and push you to exceed your limits. However, too much stress can have negative consequences on your mental health.

The Binge Drinking And College Suicide Link

The Binge Drinking And College Suicide Link

It is a common belief that college is all about parties and drinking. Okay, perhaps it’s about studying and preparing for a career too. However, drinking – including binge drinking – is not only common but is considered “cool” among many. Drinking and binge drinking are so normalized among college and university students that many…

Could Herpes Play a Role in Alzheimer’s?

Could Herpes Play a Role in Alzheimer’s?

Alzheimer’s disease affects 44 million people worldwide, including 5 million Americans over 65. It is a progressive and debilitating form of dementia. Research is ongoing to find its causes and prevention and treatment methods. One of the controversial theories out there is that Alzheimer’s is caused by a virus or multiple viruses that attack the…

Depression: Types, Symptoms, Causes & Solutions

Depression: Types, Symptoms, Causes & Solutions

Depression is more than just temporarily feeling sad and blue. Depression is a mental health condition that affects a significant percentage of the population. What Is Depression? Depression is a mood disorder classified in The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders-V (DSM-V). Anxiety disorder is one of the most prevalent mental health issues affecting…

Every 12 Minutes, a Suicide Occurs. How Can You Help?

Every 12 Minutes, a Suicide Occurs. How Can You Help?

Yes, it is true. Suicide is a severe concern that kills a person every 12 minutes in the United States alone. Often a result of depression, suicide doesn’t have to be a death sentence or even an option. Suicide is preventable, and mental health conditions associated with suicide, suicidal thoughts, or behaviors are treatable. Suicide:…

#SelfCoaching – Is Depression inherited? Answer: yes and no

#SelfCoaching – Is Depression inherited? Answer: yes and no

According to the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, “First-degree family members of individual with major depressive disorder have a risk for major depressive disorder two-to fourfold higher than that of the general population….Heritability is approximately 40%…” However, from a Self-Coaching Perspective: There seems to be little debate that depression has a genetic component,…