Mental Health

Mental health refers to our emotional well-being and how we manage our thoughts, feelings, and behaviour. It is important to have a healthy mental approach to life and to manage stress in order to maintain mental health. Maintaining a healthy mental approach to life means accepting that life isn’t perfect and that you won’t get everything you want. It also means being open to new experiences and trying new things even if you’re afraid. Managing stress means recognizing when you’re feeling stressed and taking steps to reduce that stress. Everyone experiences stress, and that’s not necessarily a bad thing. Stress can be helpful because it can motivate you to take action and push you to exceed your limits. However, too much stress can have negative consequences on your mental health.

Overexplaining Linked to Childhood Trauma, According to Neuroscientist
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Overexplaining Linked to Childhood Trauma, According to Neuroscientist

Most people associate their childhood with feelings of safety, comfort, and security. But for some, their early years were marked by neglect, pain, or anguish at home. If this sounds familiar, then you may have lived through childhood trauma.  When trauma happens, a child’s emotional or physical needs are not attended to properly. The loss…

I’m Losing My Little Girl to Dementia – A Mom’s Plea to Raise Awareness About the Disease
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I’m Losing My Little Girl to Dementia – A Mom’s Plea to Raise Awareness About the Disease

Dementia is not a single illness.  It is a broad term that refers to a set of symptoms. These symptoms can have an impact on a person’s memory as well as their ability to think, process information, and communicate with others.  According to the World Health Organization, more than 55 million people worldwide have dementia,…

Stressed at Work? Ways to Calm Down Your Fast Brain
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Stressed at Work? Ways to Calm Down Your Fast Brain

Everybody wants to be productive and happy at work. Yet, instead of waking up feeling joyful about their job, many people start the day in a state of tension. For most, the workplace can be a challenging environment. Stress refers to various types of bodily or mental tension. Workplace stress can come on suddenly —…

The Breakfast Habit That Makes You 4 Times More at Risk of Dementia
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The Breakfast Habit That Makes You 4 Times More at Risk of Dementia

Being diagnosed with dementia or witnessing a loved one’s neurological deterioration is something millions of people face on a daily basis.  Dementia is not a single disease. It is a term that encompasses a wide range of medical conditions, including Alzheimer’s disease. The most common question for those who have been directly affected by dementia…

Sleep: The Shift In Your Sleep Which May Be An ‘Early’ Marker of Dementia
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Sleep: The Shift In Your Sleep Which May Be An ‘Early’ Marker of Dementia

Sleep is one of those tricky problems. We struggle to fall asleep. We struggle to stay asleep. We struggle to get good sleep. But our sleep schedule can actually tell us a lot about our body, health, and state of mind. A new study shows, that how long you sleep may be a warning sign…

How Much Water You’re Actually Supposed To Drink Each Day – And Why
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How Much Water You’re Actually Supposed To Drink Each Day – And Why

We’ve all heard the folk wisdom that eight cups of water a day is the magic amount to keep your body going strong. However, just like the human body has different caloric needs, depending on a variety of factors, each body needs a different amount of water to stay functional. Below, we’ll explore hydration and…

Fibromyalgia Likely the Result of Autoimmune Problems
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Fibromyalgia Likely the Result of Autoimmune Problems

Sometimes it may seem all of the new findings, investigations, and studies in medicine can be far too much for the average person to keep track of. Fortunately, specialists across the medical landscape know the advancements in research that are available to them, and are constantly diving deep into research that may help solve patients’…

Having Closer Friends Long-term Keeps Cortisol Levels Low for Life
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Having Closer Friends Long-term Keeps Cortisol Levels Low for Life

According to former Beckman Institute postdoctoral researchers Michelle Rodrigues and Si On Yoon, there is a tie between female friendship and cortisol response. Their study looked at how age and familiarity with those we interact with impacts a conversation, reviewing the effectiveness and stress responses generated from those conversations. Friendship Health Benefits: What Are Friends…

Can’t Sleep? Have You Tried Working Out?
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Can’t Sleep? Have You Tried Working Out?

Nothing can be more frustrating than lying down for a good night’s sleep only to find yourself tossing and turning. You might also find you fall to sleep right away, but then wake in the middle of the night. However, poor sleep is not just frustrating. It can also interfere with your health. According to…