
Yoga: the Secret to a Better Immune System
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Yoga: the Secret to a Better Immune System

Yoga has been found to help stimulate the four main physiological systems linked to the immune system. They are the circulatory, digestive, nervous, and endocrine systems. Poses that affect at least one of these four systems help bolster immune function. Researchers are studying how yoga affects the thymus which boosts immunity.

Study Links Childhood Gut Bacteria to Adult Behavior

Study Links Childhood Gut Bacteria to Adult Behavior

My specialty as a doctor is gut health. I focus a large percentage of my time helping patients heal from gut-related disorders like Inflammatory Bowel Disease, Leaky Gut Syndrome, Celiac Disease, etc. Even if I take a patient who is not complaining of gut health problems necessarily, I still inquire about their digestive health and work to create a plan to optimize it.

Leaky Gut Syndrome: Signs, Causes, and Treatment

Leaky Gut Syndrome: Signs, Causes, and Treatment

An underlying health condition known as leaky gut causes damage to your gastrointestinal tract, allowing toxins to enter your bloodstream. A leaky gut compromises your digestive system and overall health, leading to unpleasant symptoms such as pain, fatigue, digestive issues, brain fog, and other health complications, such as mental health conditions, autoimmune disease, inflamed bowels, and…

How Ashwagandha Supports Emotional Health
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How Ashwagandha Supports Emotional Health

Provided by Organifi and Written by: Kat Gal  Organifi is #HealthHero Approved because of the quality, taste, AND how easy Organifi products make it to get all your daily fruits and veggies (when you don’t have time to cook).  Have you ever heard of Ashwagandha? It is a powerful herbal remedy traditionally used in Indian…

Chronic Inflammation: Causes, Symptoms and Treatment

Chronic Inflammation: Causes, Symptoms and Treatment

Inflammation is your body’s natural defense system against harmful invaders. Acute inflammation is short-lived and essential for healing. Chronic inflammation, on the other hand, is a serious issue. It develops due to dietary and lifestyle choices, as well as environmental factors. It is a silent killer that contributes to most chronic diseases and it contributes to…