
Lately, there has been quite a bit of press about Kefir. Many people consider this drink to be a healthier version of yogurt. It’s nutrient-dense and probiotic-rich. Kefir is excellent for digestion and overall gut health.

Research has shown that Kefir is loaded with probiotics and contains roughly 30 strains. Probiotics aid in digestion, weight management, and mental health. Most fermented dairy products are made from fewer strains and don’t contain the beneficial effects of yeast. The probiotics in Kefir can help restore the friendly bacteria balance in your stomach. Research has shown that Kefir helps with many forms of diarrhea, and they are doing studies to discover how Kefir helps with irritable bowel syndrome and ulcers.

There is a lot of research to see how the probiotics in Kefir might slow down tumor growth. Some results suggest that fermented dairy products with their probiotics reduce the formation of carcinogenic compounds and may stimulate the immune system. One promising study done in a test tube showed that kefir extract reduced the number of human breast cancer cells by over 55% instead of roughly 15% for yogurt extract. Much more research is needed to back up these claims, but preliminary findings are promising.

It’s been proven that Kefir can help prevent osteoporosis. Kefir is a full-fat dairy product which means it is an excellent source of calcium, but it also has vitamin K2. K2 has an essential role in calcium metabolism. Research has shown that fracture risk has been reduced by 80% when supplementing with vitamin K2. Scientists are studying how Kefir can increase calcium absorption. The absorption helps with better bone density, which should help prevent fractures and breaks.

The name is derived from the Turkish wordΒ keyif, which means “feeling good” after eating. Kefir is packed with many nutrients needed by the body for good health. A single serving of Kefir contains:

  • 20% of the recommended daily allowance of calcium
  • 20% of the RDA of phosphorus
  • 14% of the RDA of vitamin B12
  • 19% of the RDA of Riboflavin(B2)
  • 5% for magnesium

Kefir also contains vitamin D. A single serving of Kefir includes 6 grams of protein. Nutritionists have found that some lactose intolerants can consume Kefir because the lactose is turned into lactic acid, making it lower in lactose than milk. Plus, fermented dairy foods contain enzymes that break down lactose even further.Β 

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