Disease Prevention

When you think about disease prevention, you might think about things like eating healthy foods, getting vaccines, exercising, and other lifestyle factors. However, there are also things you can do to reduce your risk of disease even if you have a chronic condition or are taking medication. What you eat, how you exercise, and other healthy habits can have a big impact on your health and your risk of developing a chronic condition. And there are things you can do to reduce your risk of developing a chronic condition, too. Even if you have a chronic condition, there are things you can do to manage it and live a healthy life.

Medical experts recommend that people adopt a healthy lifestyle to reduce their risk of contracting a serious illness such as diabetes or heart disease. A healthy diet rich in fruits, vegetables, and whole grains, regular exercise, and stress reduction are just a few ways to stay healthy. Disease prevention can also be achieved with the use of certain foods and supplements. Certain foods have potent anti-inflammatory properties that can help reduce the risk of contracting certain diseases.

Beware the Kissing Bug: Heart Failure Risk Increases with New Sightings in NJ
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Beware the Kissing Bug: Heart Failure Risk Increases with New Sightings in NJ

Despite its endearing name, the “kissing bug” is far from a creature you’d want to encounter. Contrary to what the name might suggest, this bug isn’t as innocuous as a ladybug or as gentle as a butterfly. In reality, the kissing bug is a serious threat to public health, known for spreading Chagas disease —…

The Magic of Olive Oil and Lemon Juice: Benefits & Recipe for Health & Wellness
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The Magic of Olive Oil and Lemon Juice: Benefits & Recipe for Health & Wellness

In our quest for a healthier lifestyle, we often turn to nature’s bounty, searching for remedies that promise not just relief but vitality. Among these treasures, olive oil and lemon juice emerge as two potent, yet frequently overlooked, champions of wellness.  These ingredients, when combined, unlock a synergy that has been quietly supporting human health…

Is Cooking With Aluminum Foil Safe? An Insightful Look Into the Perils & Safer Alternatives
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Is Cooking With Aluminum Foil Safe? An Insightful Look Into the Perils & Safer Alternatives

In the diverse world of culinary arts, the choice of cooking equipment plays a pivotal role in not just the taste and presentation of our meals but also in safeguarding our health. One such material that has found a permanent place in kitchens worldwide is aluminum foil. Lauded for its flexibility, heat resistance, and ease…

Navigating the Silent Pathways of Heart Health: Unveiling the Hidden Dangers of Clogged Arteries

Navigating the Silent Pathways of Heart Health: Unveiling the Hidden Dangers of Clogged Arteries

In a revelation that may take many by surprise, the American Heart Association has highlighted a concerning health reality: over 40% of adults are walking around with clogged arteries, largely unaware of the ticking time bomb within them. This condition, known medically as atherosclerosis, is a silent precursor to some of the most severe heart-related…

Bottled Water Unveiled: The Surprising Chemicals and Contaminants Hiding in Plain Sight
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Bottled Water Unveiled: The Surprising Chemicals and Contaminants Hiding in Plain Sight

Savoring the cool, crisp taste of bottled water is an everyday pleasure for many. It’s the go-to choice when we seek hydration and purity. But what if this seemingly straightforward choice isn’t as clear-cut as it appears? Recent research has exposed a hidden world within bottled water that might just leave you astonished. In this…

Canola Oil Exposed: Controversy and Reasons for Health Concerns

Canola Oil Exposed: Controversy and Reasons for Health Concerns

In the world of culinary oils, canola oil stands out as a staple in many kitchens, lauded for its versatility and mild flavor. Originating from the genetically modified rapeseed plant, canola oil’s journey is one of scientific innovation and agricultural evolution. Coined as “Canola” — an acronym for “Canadian oil, low acid” — this oil…

U.K. Researchers Say They Have Found First Drug that Improves COVID-19 Survival

U.K. Researchers Say They Have Found First Drug that Improves COVID-19 Survival

There’s new hope for critically ill hospitalized patients with COVID-19.  A commonly used drug has shown to improve survival rates by one third.  That’s according to a press release from a team of researchers in England.  This clinical trial is getting a lot of attention in the medical field because the preliminary findings sound really…