
One Word Is All It Takes to Calm an Anxious Mind
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One Word Is All It Takes to Calm an Anxious Mind

Feeling anxious can make it hard to concentrate and leave you constantly worrying about what could go wrong. You might find yourself thinking “what if” a lot, feeling uncertain, and imagining disasters. Anxiety can change the way we think, making us more focused on potential problems instead of solutions. It can also make us feel…

Stressed at Work? Ways to Calm Down Your Fast Brain
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Stressed at Work? Ways to Calm Down Your Fast Brain

Everybody wants to be productive and happy at work. Yet, instead of waking up feeling joyful about their job, many people start the day in a state of tension. For most, the workplace can be a challenging environment. Stress refers to various types of bodily or mental tension. Workplace stress can come on suddenly —…