
The weather is getting nicer, the grass is turning green, and the weeds are also showing up. The dandelion that drives you nuts also packs a punch with many health benefits!

Research has shown that the juice from the dandelion can help to stimulate the production of insulin in the pancreas in diabetic patients. This insulin helps to keep the blood sugar level low. Dandelions are natural diuretics; therefore, they help increase urination which aids in removing excess sugar from the body. Researchers have found that the diuretic quality of dandelions can help remove the sugar deposition in the kidneys through increased urination which can lower the risk of renal problems.

Research has shown that dandelions can aid in weight loss and weight management. The urine we produce contains nearly 4% fat, and dandelions increase our need to urinate; therefore, we will lose more water and fat from our bodies. Dandelions are low in calories, full of vitamins, and can help the body rid itself of β€œwater weight.” Dandelions are high in fiber which helps your body shed waste.

Dandelions Are Full of Vitamins

A serving of dandelions provides over 500% of the recommended daily value of Vitamin K, which helps strengthen bones and may aid in the battle against Alzheimer’s. A serving of dandelions also serves up over %100 of the needed dose of Vitamin A. Vitamin A helps the skin, mucus membranes, and vision. Dandelions contain a flavonoid that protects the eye from UV rays. In contrast, others protect the body from lung and mouth cancers. Additionally, they are rich in vitamins C and B6, thiamin, riboflavin, calcium, iron, potassium, and manganese. Other nutrients include folate, magnesium, phosphorus, and copper.

Research has shown some positive results with dandelions and the battle against cancer. Dandelions contain high quantities of antioxidants which reduce free radicals, which are primary cancer-causing agents. Researchers are finding that dandelion greens and juice can help to reduce the risk of cancer. Dandelions can help detoxify the body and reduce the risk of developing tumors and various forms of cancer. It has been discovered that luteolin in dandelions binds to cancer cells to poison their cellular components. When these cells become attached, they cannot reproduce and are ineffective. Studies on prostate cancer show promising results, but more research is needed.

Researchers are studying the benefits of dandelions for treating jaundice. Jaundice occurs when the liver starts to overproduce bile which enters the bloodstream and causes problems with metabolism. To fight jaundice, you need to stop slowing down bile production, remove the excess bile and fight the underlying viral infection. Dandelions are showing promise in these three steps. They promote liver health and help to regulate bile production. Dandelions help with urination which reduces the excess bile. Because it is an antioxidant and disinfectant, dandelions battle viral infections.

The Health Benefits of Dandelions

  • Dandelions may help in the battle against diabetes.
  • Dandelions aid with weight loss.
  • Dandelions are full of vitamins.
  • Dandelions may be helpful in cancer protection.
  • Dandelions help against jaundice.

Dr. Nandi's Dandelion Syrup

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