
Heart Health

Research has found that turnips contain many essential nutrients needed for proper functioning. Turnips contain high levels of fiber and potassium. Dietary fiber helps to scrape excess cholesterol from the arteries and eliminate it from the body. Potassium is a vasodilator that helps to reduce the strain on blood vessels and arteries by lowering blood pressure. It can prevent the development of atherosclerosis and heart attacks, and strokes.

Combats Arthritis and Osteoporosis

Turnips contain calcium which aids in the growth and repair of bone matter. Calcium is essential for bone mineral density, especially as we age. The calcium in turnips can help slow down arthritis and osteoporosis.

Reduce the Risk of Some Cancers

Turnips contain a type of phytonutrient called indoles. Indoles are a substance in plant food that improve health but are not essential to life. Indoles may reduce the risk of lung and colorectal cancers. A recent study found that an indole compound killed human colon cancer cells, but more research is needed to confirm this study.


Consuming turnip sprouts provide high levels of glucosinolates, a sulfur-containing compound. Early research suggests that they may help protect against some forms of cancer and may provide antifungal, antibacterial, and antiparasitic benefits. Some researchers believe that these glucosinolates can give some protection to an inflammatory condition that can lead to prostate cancer.

High in Vitamin C

A serving of turnip contains a large quantity of vitamin C. Ascorbic acid is one of our system’s most critical immune boosters. Vitamin C helps to stimulate the production of white blood cells and antibodies. Plus, vitamin C acts as an antioxidant that helps decrease chronic health concerns such as cancer and heart disease.

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