
In this era of technological advancement, ‘smart’ devices are an integral part of our daily lives. From smartphones to smart meters, these innovations have revolutionized the way we interact with the world. However, as we embrace these conveniences, it’s crucial to pause and consider their impact on our health and environment. 

This article dives into the world of smart meters, a prominent feature in many homes, and unravels the truth behind their safety and health implications. Are these devices as harmless as they seem, or do they harbor hidden risks that we need to be aware of?

Understanding Smart Meters and Their Functionality

Smart meters represent a significant technological evolution from traditional analog meters. Placed in the same locations outside our homes, these devices offer benefits that their predecessors can’t match:

  • Efficient Data Transmission: Smart meters wirelessly transmit energy consumption data to electric companies, a task that analog meters cannot perform.

  • Real-Time Updates: They provide frequent updates, sometimes as often as every 15 minutes, offering a detailed view of energy usage.

Smart meters utilize radiofrequency (RF) waves to communicate data. This electromagnetic energy varies in its form of communication, using diverse channels like cellular networks, WiFi, and even satellites. This versatility in communication methods marks a step forward in how we manage and understand our energy consumption.

Since 2012, the installation of smart meters has surged significantly in the United States. Forecasts suggest that by the end of 2023, there will be a staggering 128 million smart meters in American homes and businesses. This rapid adoption underscores the demand for efficiency and advanced data tracking that smart meters offer.

Smart Meter Health Risks: Exploring the Effects of Radiofrequency Radiation

Smart meters operate using radiofrequency (RF) waves, a type of electromagnetic radiation (EMR), which has raised concerns about potential health risks:

  • International Classification: In 2011, the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) classified RF radiation as “possibly carcinogenic to humans.

  • Absence of Conclusive Evidence: To date, there is a lack of definitive evidence confirming the safety of RF radiation, particularly from long-term exposure.

Individuals in smart meter-equipped homes have reported various symptoms, raising questions about the meters’ safety. 

Physical symptoms include dizziness, ear discomfort, and heart irregularities.

Cognitive and emotional issues encompass anxiety, cognitive problems, and sleep disturbances.

Some smart meters have been observed emitting RF radiation levels much higher than the U.S. safety threshold of 1,000 micro-watts per meter squared. Unlike mobile devices that can be turned off, smart meters continuously emit RF radiation, increasing the duration of exposure within living spaces.

The Role of Dirty Electricity in the Smart Meter Debate

Smart meters, along with various modern electronic devices, contribute to the creation of what’s known as “dirty electricity.” This term refers to the erratic electromagnetic interference (EMI) generated when devices convert alternating current (AC) to direct current (DC) for their operation. Here’s how this process affects our environment:

  • Electropollution: The conversion process produces dirty electricity that permeates your home’s electrical system, radiating from outlets, power strips, and electronics, creating an environment saturated with non-ionizing radiation.

  • Amplification by Smart Meters: Smart meters exacerbate this situation by injecting spikes of higher-frequency electricity into your home’s circuits, potentially affecting every space in the house.

The Health Implications of Electropollution

Scientific research has begun to draw connections between dirty electricity and various health issues:

  • Immune Responses: The body can perceive these electric fields as alien intruders, triggering immune responses similar to those caused by harmful bacteria or viruses.

  • Chronic Inflammation: Prolonged exposure to electropollution can lead to inflammation, manifesting symptoms like fatigue, irritability, brain fog, and cognitive issues.

Expert Opinions

Prominent researchers like Dr. David O. Carpenter and Dr. Sam Milham have voiced concerns over the health impacts of prolonged exposure to electromagnetic fields.

Potential health risks point to cancer, neural damage, and negative effects on reproductive and other organ systems. Additionally, elevated levels of toxins like peroxynitrite, associated with chronic diseases, have been linked to exposure to dirty electricity.

My Personal RX on Protecting Yourself From Smart Meter Dangers

While the debate on the potential dangers of smart meters continues, there are proactive steps you can take to minimize potential risks associated with RF wave exposure. Incorporating specific products and guidelines can enhance your protective measures:

  1. Maintain Distance: Keep the smart meter as far away as possible from frequently used living spaces, especially bedrooms, to reduce RF wave exposure during restful hours.

  2. Use RF Shielding Products: Invest in products designed to block or reduce RF radiation, such as smart meter covers, to decrease radiation exposure in your home.

  3. Regular Detoxification and Antioxidant-Rich Diet: Counteract potential radiation effects by consuming foods high in antioxidants, such as berries and leafy greens, and staying hydrated with purified water. Regular detoxification can support your body’s natural defense mechanisms.

  4. Wired Smart Meter Option: If available, opt for a wired smart meter from your utility provider, which offers the benefits of smart meter technology without the continuous emission of RF waves.

  5. Radiation-Absorbing Plants: Place cacti and succulents near smart meters as they are believed to absorb some radiation, potentially reducing RF wave exposure.

  6. Vitamin K2 with D3 Supplements: Vitamin D3 supports immune function and overall well-being, while K2 can aid in maintaining healthy bones and cardiovascular health, which might be beneficial in counteracting the stressors from RF radiation.

  7. Follow a Comprehensive Health Protocol: Utilize my well-structured Protocol e-book that focuses on holistic health. This can provide a comprehensive approach to living healthily in a tech-saturated world, covering aspects like diet, exercise, mental well-being, and strategies to mitigate the effects of electropollution.

While smart meters represent a stride toward efficient energy use, it’s essential to weigh these benefits against potential health risks. As research continues and technology evolves, staying informed and taking precautionary measures can help us navigate this balance, ensuring that we benefit from technological advancements without compromising our health.

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