Your stomach is at the very core of your being. If it’s upset to the point where you feel actual pain, that’s a problem you want to solve right away. It can truly interfere with the course of your day if you are running in and out of the bathroom, trying desperately to feel better. Several conditions can induce a sensitive stomach, such as colitis, Crohn’s disease, andΒ irritable bowel syndrome. Those all require particular forms of caring for your body to prevent symptoms and flare-ups with the proper diet and medication.

Yet, an average person can experience stomach issues regularly if they aren’t careful. There is an old expression about having a “cast-iron stomach,” which means that your stomach can handle anything you throw its way with ease. Consider yourself lucky if you have that kind of stomach where you can eat anything you want, including fatty, fried foods and ice cream. Those are two common ones that can upset someone’s stomach. So if you aren’t eating those foods and still get stomach pain, you might be wondering why? Be your own health hero to discover five common causes of an upset tummy that you probably don’t even realize are an issue.


There are two reasons that gum can sometimes give you a stomachache. If you are chewing gum, you are taking in more air than you are used to. That causes air bubbles to build up in the digestive tract giving youΒ gas, which can cause pain.

The other reason is that sugar-free gum can sometimes give you stomach pain due to the artificial sugars.Β SorbitolΒ is one of the main ingredients that can wreak havoc on your stomach. So check the labels of your gum to find out if that’s what is causing the problem. It is probably for the person who is chewing more than one piece a day. Suppose you repetitively pop sugarless gum into your mouth often during the day. In that case, that might be the culprit of your tummy issues. Either quit gumming cold-turkey to find out or switch to regular gum without artificial sugars. However, your dentist might take a case with that for the health of your teeth.

Medication Side Effects

A slew of prescribed medications has the widespread side effect of stomach pain, gas, diarrhea, orΒ bloating. Anything from antibiotics to medications given for depression issues can interfere with the proper workings of your stomach. Check the common side effects of each drug you are on to determine if that’s the issue. Sometimes with meditation, your body just needs time to adjust to them. However, suppose you are on long-term medications that are still causing you problems. In that case, you can check with your doctor about managing your symptoms or changing medications.Β 


Alfred Nobel once said, “worry is the stomach’s worst poison.” It’s true. Stress does a number on the body. If you are experiencing daily stomach aches for seemingly no reason, look at your stress level. Are you worked up to a point about all the things you have to do in your day that it’s making you sick? You have to stop and reassess how you are handling your stress level. Take some time out for yourself each day with some deep breathing exercises. Look into a relaxing yoga class to slow yourself down or find a new hobby that brings you joy. Taking time out of your busy day to unwind is vital to your sanity. It is especially true even if you work a stressful job full time and have a family to take care of. You’ll better handle what life throws your way if you first think about your stress level.


It’s estimated thatΒ 1 in 15 peopleΒ will have a problem with their appendix during a lifetime. If you have stomach pain that comes on suddenly with pain and pressure on the lower right side of your stomach, it might be appendicitis. The appendix can become inflamed, which causes pain. You might have other symptoms such as high fever, vomiting, and diarrhea which may seem like the common flu. Getting it checked out by a healthcare professional is wise. Most cases require emergency surgery since you don’t want it to rupture.


Are your bowel movements regular? It sounds like a personal question, but it can lead to a solution to your stomach pain. Many people don’t even realize that constipation can be a problem. What’s typical for regular bowel movements? Constipation is defined according to theΒ Mayo ClinicΒ as difficulty having bowel movements or fewer than three bathroom trips per week. If you aren’t going at least three times per week, your stomach pain could just be constipation. Up your fiber content by eating lots of fruits and vegetables with whole-grain bread and cereals. Here is an excellent recipe forΒ Warm Quinoa SaladΒ from Dr. Nandi’s website: chock full of good filling fiber.

A fiber supplement, likeΒ Metamucil, can also be taken. On the other hand, a daily laxative likeΒ MiralaxΒ can also help if you’ve been slacking off. That over-the-counter medication binds water to your bowel movements, making them easier to pass.

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