
Good for Pregnant Women

Cantaloupe contains folate, which prevents neural tube defects such as spinal Bifida. Folate is thought to help reduce the risk of some cancers and help with memory loss due to aging. More research is being conductedβ€”two cups of cantaloupe supply roughly 20% of the daily recommended amount of folate needed.

Supports Good Muscle Health

Cantaloupe contains potassium which is an essential component of cell and body fluids. Potassium helps control a normal heart rate and aids in regulating healthy blood pressure. Potassium helps to protect against heart disease and stroke. Potassium is a vasodilator because it releases the tension of blood vessels and helps to increase blood flow. Therefore it allows for quicker muscle recovery.

May Protect Against Skin Cancer

Research has found that orange-colored foods such as cantaloupe, pumpkin, sweet potatoes, and others are a high source of carotenoids, reducing the risk of skin cancer. The carotenoids are also known to help relieve the pain and damage associated with sunburns. They may also help prevent the signs of aging on the skin, including fine lines, wrinkles, and discoloration.

Great for Weight Loss

One cup of cantaloupe contains only 60 calories and is very high in water. Nutritionists have declared that cantaloupe is a food with a high nutrient density which is based on the low amount of calories versus the high amounts of health benefits offered. Cantaloupe is also a source of dietary fiber that can make a person feel full quicker and for a longer time. Nutritionists suggest adding cantaloupe to the diet to ensure that the person gets the proper amount of vitamins and minerals while losing weight.

Promotes Eye Health

Cantaloupe contains beta-carotene, which is well known to help reduce the risk of developing cataracts. The beta-carotene found in cantaloupe helps lower the risk, therefore, improving eyesight. Zeaxanthin is a vital carotenoid that will absorb the retinal macula lutea of the eye. It provides a UV light-filtering function. There is now protection from age-related macular degeneration in the elderly by providing this function.

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