
Watermelon Is Good for Your Heart

Watermelon contains a good amount of magnesium and potassium, which are known to be extremely important in lowering blood pressure. Scientists have found that potassium is a vasodilator that releases the tension of blood vessels and arteries. The lower tension helps stimulate blood flow and reduce the stress on the cardiovascular system. Watermelon also contains carotenoids that help prevent the hardening of artery walls and veins. It helps lower blood pressure and the chance of blood clots, heart attacks, strokes, and atherosclerosis. Watermelon contains lycopene which is a carotenoid. Research has found that lycopene improves cardiac function. Plus, watermelon is high in roughage which helps to reduce cholesterol and keep your heart safe.

Watermelon May Reduce Muscle Soreness

Research has found that watermelon is an effective and tasty way to reduce body temperature and blood pressure. Watermelon is a very popular item to eat every day to protect themselves from heatstroke. Watermelon is composed of nearly 90% water. Watermelon contains a very high amount of water which stimulates a release of excess liquid in the form of sweat. Sweat is the body’s way to reduce core heat during hot summer days.

Watermelon Is Good for Diabetics

Even though watermelon is sweet, watermelon is low in calories because most of the watermelon is water and roughage. Watermelon contains vitamin C and minerals such as potassium and magnesium, which aids in the proper functioning of insulin in the body. It helps to lower blood sugar levels. Also, researchers have found that watermelon contains arginine, which enhances the impact of insulin on blood sugar. If the diabetic person desires, they can also eat the rind from the watermelon, which is even lower in sugars.

Watermelon May Reduce Muscle Soreness

A recent study has found that watermelon juice can soothe sore muscles after a workout. Studies have found that athletes who consumed more than 16 ounces of watermelon juice an hour before working out had less muscle soreness and a lower heart rate within a day. Researchers believe that citrulline is the natural substance for these results. They suggest that it helps blood flow to the muscles, lowering soreness. Studies also show that citrulline helps to improve artery function and lower blood pressure.

Watermelon Is Good for Your Skin

Watermelon contains Vitamin A, which is excellent for your skin. Just a cup has nearly 1/4 of your daily recommended intake of Vitamin A. Research has found that Vitamin A aids in keeping your skin and hair moisturized and helps to encourage the growth of new collagen and elastin cells. Watermelon also contains Vitamin C, which is also beneficial for healthy collagen growth.

Try These Delicious and Healthy Watermelon Recipes

Wild Watermelon Salsa

Go get the recipe.

Dr. Nandi’s Chilled Watermelon Soup

Go get the recipe.

Dr. Nandi’s Mango, Cucumber, & Watermelon Salad

Go get the recipe.

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