healthy eating food

A Plant-Based Lifestyle Is Just What The Doctor Orders

A Plant-Based Lifestyle Is Just What The Doctor Orders

There are many curious people out there, including some skeptics, who (understandably) have many questions about plant-based nutrition and even feel intimidated by the thought of transitioning to a plant-based lifestyle. If you’re one of them or want to learn more about it, I encourage you to read. I speak to patients about their nutrition…

10 Ways to Start Feeling More Confident About Your Body
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10 Ways to Start Feeling More Confident About Your Body

“Comparison is the thief of joy” is a quote that has most often been attributed to both Christian writer Dwight Edwards and President Theodore Roosevelt. No matter who said it, the statement is true. When you compare yourself to others, it makes you unhappy. It’s tempting to compare ourselves in so many different ways—the shape of…