weight loss

‘Intermittent Fasting’ Diets Could Boost Your Overall Health Significantly

‘Intermittent Fasting’ Diets Could Boost Your Overall Health Significantly

We’ve covered the four ‘health’ fads of 2019 that can be bad for you, but here is one that could be good for you! Millions of people make New Year’s resolutions to get fit, lose weight, or eat better. But oftentimes people bite off more than they can chew (pun intended) and set themselves up…

How Many Steps Should I Take A Day? A New Study Says Less Than You Think

How Many Steps Should I Take A Day? A New Study Says Less Than You Think

You may have heard the figure 10,000 thrown around when it comes to how many steps to take in a day. Ten thousand may sound like a lot, but you have to remember, our ancestors didn’t have office jobs! They were constantly on the move and didn’t suffer from diseases related to a sedentary lifestyle….