
Each day, we make numerous choices that subtly sculpt our health and well-being, often without a second thought. Among these, our selection of beverages plays a crucial yet understated role in our nutritional balance. 

While we’re vigilant about the solid foods we consume, our drink choices can sometimes undermine crucial minerals in our body, particularly magnesium and calcium. These minerals are not just mere elements on the periodic table; they are vital cogs in the machinery of our health. 

Understanding the Role of Magnesium and Calcium

Magnesium and calcium are more than just minerals; they are vital to the intricate workings of our bodies. 

  • Magnesium, a versatile mineral, participates in over 300 biochemical reactions, aiding everything from nerve function to blood sugar regulation. It’s essential for muscle relaxation, blood pressure regulation, and bolstering the immune system.
  • Calcium is synonymous with strong bones but its role extends far beyond. It’s crucial for heart rhythms, nerve communication, and muscle movements. This mineral also plays a vital role in blood clotting and maintaining a normal heart rhythm.

The balance of these minerals is crucial. Too little or too much of either can disrupt bodily functions, underscoring their importance in our daily diet for optimal health.

The Consequences of Magnesium and Calcium Deficiency

A deficiency in magnesium or calcium can significantly impact health, akin to a machine running without sufficient oil. 

Low magnesium levels may lead to symptoms like muscle cramps, chronic fatigue, disrupted sleep, migraines, anxiety, or irregular heartbeats. 

Calcium deficiency primarily affects bone health, leading to decreased bone density and increased risk of osteoporosis and fractures. 

These symptoms highlight the importance of maintaining adequate levels of these minerals through diet or supplements to ensure the smooth functioning of our body’s systems.

Drinks That Are a Danger to Your Magnesium and Calcium Balance

Various popular drinks, while refreshing or energizing, can inadvertently disrupt our body’s mineral balance, particularly magnesium and calcium. These beverages often have diuretic properties, which increase urine production and, as a result, lead to the loss of these essential minerals. 

Excessive consumption can thus reduce the concentration of magnesium and calcium in the body, leading to potential imbalances. It’s essential to be mindful of these effects when choosing our drinks, especially if they are consumed frequently.

Be mindful of these common beverages, which can deplete your body’s magnesium and calcium reserves:

  1. Sugary Sodas: High phosphoric acid in sodas can interfere with mineral absorption and assimilation. Studies have shown that regular soda consumption is linked to metabolic risk factors associated with magnesium deficiency, such as diabetes, obesity, and higher resting blood pressure. In children, soda consumption significantly decreases the likelihood of achieving the recommended calcium intake​​​​.
  2. Energy Drinks: These drinks contain caffeine and phosphoric acid, both known to adversely affect magnesium and calcium levels. Caffeine increases urine production, leading to a loss of these key minerals​​​​.
  3. Coffee: The negative effect of caffeine on calcium absorption is small enough to be offset by as little as 1-2 tablespoons of milk. Excessive coffee consumption, particularly more than three cups a day, can be a marker for low calcium intake​​.
  4. Alcoholic Drinks: Chronic heavy alcohol intake affects calcium levels by impairing vitamin D activation and fat absorption, both necessary for calcium absorption. Alcohol consumption also increases bone loss and can lead to osteoporosis, especially in alcoholics who tend to fall more frequently and sustain more fractures​​​​.
  5. Fruit Juice: It’s known that fruit juices can be high in sugars and acids, which could potentially affect mineral absorption and balance.

Healthier Drink Alternatives

In the quest to maintain a healthy balance of magnesium and calcium, it’s not just about avoiding certain beverages; it’s equally important to embrace healthier alternatives. Here are some nourishing drink options:

  1. Water: Often underestimated, water is the cornerstone of hydration. It facilitates countless bodily functions and maintains mineral equilibrium. Consider infusing water with slices of cucumber, berries, or herbs for a refreshing twist.
  2. Herbal Teas: Herbal teas like chamomile, hibiscus, and peppermint are not only soothing but also free from caffeine and low in minerals-leaching properties. They offer additional health benefits, such as antioxidants and calming effects.
  3. Sparkling Water: For those craving carbonation, sparkling water is a fantastic alternative to sugary sodas. It provides the same fizzy satisfaction without the harmful additives. Enhance its flavor with a splash of 100% fruit juice or a wedge of lemon or lime for a zesty kick.
  4. Vegetable Juices: Opt for freshly pressed vegetable juices like carrot, beet, or celery juice. These are packed with vitamins and minerals and typically contain less sugar than fruit juices. They’re an excellent way to hydrate and nourish your body simultaneously.
  5. Kefir and Yogurt Drinks: These fermented beverages are not only rich in probiotics that support gut health but are also a good source of calcium. Choose plain or low-sugar varieties to avoid excess calorie intake.

Remember, variety is key to a healthy diet. Including a range of these beverages can help ensure you’re not only staying hydrated but also supporting your body’s magnesium and calcium levels.

My Personal RX for Better Magnesium and Calcium Balance

Magnesium and calcium, along with other essential minerals, play pivotal roles in various bodily functions, with calcium being fundamental for bone health and magnesium crucial for muscle function and nerve transmission. Often overlooked, the balance between these minerals is key; an imbalance can lead to various health issues. 

A diet rich in both magnesium and calcium, along with regular health checks, can ensure optimal bodily function and prevent long-term health problems. This balanced approach is vital for overall well-being and long-term health maintenance.

  • Diverse Diet: Incorporate a variety of magnesium and calcium-rich foods like leafy greens, nuts, dairy products, and fish into your diet.
  • Stay Hydrated: Adequate hydration aids in the absorption and utilization of minerals in the body.
  • Moderate Sun Exposure: Regular, moderate sun exposure helps in vitamin D synthesis, which is crucial for calcium absorption.
  • Regular Exercise: Engage in weight-bearing exercises to strengthen bones and improve calcium absorption.
  • Limit Caffeine and Alcohol: Reduce intake of caffeine and alcohol as they can interfere with the absorption of calcium and magnesium.
  • Explore Ultra Cal-Mag: For those looking to supplement their diet, Ultra Cal-Mag supplements offer a balanced blend of various forms of calcium and magnesium, supporting bone health and muscle function.
  • Discover Holistic Health: Enhance your understanding of holistic health by exploring my 50-page Protocol e-book, a comprehensive guide focusing on the balance of essential minerals, including magnesium and calcium, to support overall well-being.

While it’s important to be mindful of drinks that can deplete these essential minerals, incorporating healthier alternatives and strategies to boost their intake can make a significant difference. 

By balancing our diet with nutrient-rich foods, staying hydrated, and being aware of how certain beverages affect our mineral balance, we can support our body’s needs and promote overall well-being. Remember, the key to health is not just in what we eat, but also in what we drink, and making informed choices can lead to a healthier, more vibrant life.


  1. Magnesium metabolism and its disorders. (2003, May 1). PubMed. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/18568054/ 
  2. Gennari, C. (2001). Calcium and vitamin D nutrition and bone disease of the elderly. Public Health Nutrition, 4(2b), 547–559. https://doi.org/10.1079/phn2001140 
  3. ζ΄₯泒叀充., & ι–’ζˆΈζ „. (1970). Interference of phosphoric and sulfuric acid in atomic absorption spectroscopy for calcium and magnesium. Bunseki Kagaku, 19(4), 525–530. https://doi.org/10.2116/bunsekikagaku.19.525 
  4. Heaney, R. P. (2002). Effects of caffeine on bone and the calcium economy. Food and Chemical Toxicology, 40(9), 1263–1270. https://doi.org/10.1016/s0278-6915(02)00094-7 
  5. Douard, V., Asgerally, A., Sabbagh, Y., Sugiura, S., Shapses, S. A., Casirola, D., & Ferraris, R. P. (2010). Dietary fructose inhibits intestinal calcium absorption and induces vitamin D insufficiency in CKD. Journal of the American Society of Nephrology, 21(2), 261–271. https://doi.org/10.1681/asn.2009080795

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