
Standing on One Leg May Indicate How Long You Will Live
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Standing on One Leg May Indicate How Long You Will Live

Credible evidence continues to show that the best way to help your chances of living a long life is to follow the advice from health experts.  This is usually to eat well, pay attention to your weight, exercise regularly, get plenty of sleep, drink lots of water, and avoid bad habits. (2) Many things can…

Vitamin K2 may be Helpful for People at Risk of Dementia
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Vitamin K2 may be Helpful for People at Risk of Dementia

Dementia is a terrible health condition. Those who suffer from dementia will notice a decline in cognition and memory that will continue to get worse and worse.  Unfortunately, there is no cure for dementia. When a person develops dementia, the fear can be overwhelming: all they can do is wait, dreading the disease’s disastrous impacts. …

Brisk Walking Is Able to Slow Down The Biological Aging Process
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Brisk Walking Is Able to Slow Down The Biological Aging Process

A variety of factors can influence our walking speed capabilities as individuals, including lung capacity and motor control, as well as our mental health and motivation levels.  Exercise is vital for well-being and, therefore, for overall health. Any activity is great, and it’s enough to walk briskly.  If you combine walking briskly with being outdoors,…