
Onion: Fastest Way to Eliminate Throat and Chest Congestion
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Onion: Fastest Way to Eliminate Throat and Chest Congestion

If you are dealing with a persistent cough, it’s likely you have a buildup of mucus in your throat and chest causing you to feel “congested.”  If not cleared, this could lengthen the duration of your illness or lead to a more serious condition.  Nearly 37 million Americans live with chronic lung conditions like asthma,…

Meet Mackenzie:

Meet Mackenzie:

Upon birth, Donielle’s beautiful baby girl went through a six hour operation, where her twisted intestines were removed, leaving her with a condition called short bowel syndrome. Unable to digest regular food, Mackenzie receives food nutrients via IV fluids 12 hours per day through a broviac catheter in her chest. Mackenzie, now 4 years old,…

Stress Can Turn Hair Gray — And It’s Reversible, Researchers Find

Stress Can Turn Hair Gray — And It’s Reversible, Researchers Find

As we get older our hair turns gray. Pigment cells in our follicles gradually die off and contain less melanin (responsible for producing the pigmentation in our hair, skin, and eyes) meaning our hair turns gray or white. Depending on genetics or lifestyle, greying can happen anywhere from your 20s upward. But it is not…

A Quarter of Adults Don’t Want Children — and They Are Still Happy

A Quarter of Adults Don’t Want Children — and They Are Still Happy

For many generations, being childless often came with feelings of sadness and regret. Now, with the world becoming more populated and the cost of raising a child more expensive, many are choosing to be childfree. The word childfree first appeared sometime before 1901. Now however, being voluntarily childless or childfree is a trend that is…

Bed-sharing does not lead to stronger infant-mother attachment or maternal bonding
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Bed-sharing does not lead to stronger infant-mother attachment or maternal bonding

Here in the United States, bed-sharing between parents and infants seems to be on the rise. The National Infant Sleep Position Study reported that the practice of bed-sharing between parents and their offsprings went from 5.5% in 1993 to 12.8% in 2000.

These 3 Things Determine if Your Kids Will Have Good Self Control as Adults
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These 3 Things Determine if Your Kids Will Have Good Self Control as Adults

Self-control is the ability to regulate one’s emotions, thoughts, and behavior in the face of temptations and impulses, which is an aspect of inhibitory control. It gives us the capacity to override an impulse in order to respond appropriately. (1) Self-control is a cognitive process that is required in order to achieve specific goals. (1)…

Kids Who Exercise Become Smarter Adults, Scientists Discover
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Kids Who Exercise Become Smarter Adults, Scientists Discover

A study has made a positive connection between childhood exercise and improved cognitive function in later life. According to the study, adults who were physically active up to 12 years of age as children, showed higher cognitive functions. No such association was made for those who participated in post-childhood physical activity. (1) Exercise And Intelligence…