Brain Health

When we talk about maintaining brain health, we are referring to the idea of slowing the process of cognitive decline. The goal of maintaining brain health is to keep your mind sharp well into old age. Maintaining brain health is important because a decline in cognitive function can make life much more difficult. It can be frustrating to have a harder time with things like thinking and remembering. It can be embarrassing to have to ask others for help when you need it. It can be dangerous to make poor decisions because of a decline in cognitive function. There is a lot at stake when it comes to maintaining your brain health, and that is why so many people are interested in the topic.

Vitamin K2 may be Helpful for People at Risk of Dementia
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Vitamin K2 may be Helpful for People at Risk of Dementia

Dementia is a terrible health condition. Those who suffer from dementia will notice a decline in cognition and memory that will continue to get worse and worse.  Unfortunately, there is no cure for dementia. When a person develops dementia, the fear can be overwhelming: all they can do is wait, dreading the disease’s disastrous impacts. …

One Word Is All It Takes to Calm an Anxious Mind
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One Word Is All It Takes to Calm an Anxious Mind

Feeling anxious can make it hard to concentrate and leave you constantly worrying about what could go wrong. You might find yourself thinking “what if” a lot, feeling uncertain, and imagining disasters. Anxiety can change the way we think, making us more focused on potential problems instead of solutions. It can also make us feel…

Can a Cup of Cranberries a Day Keep Dementia Away?
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Can a Cup of Cranberries a Day Keep Dementia Away?

Cranberries have been known for their health benefits for quite some time, but new research suggests that including this fruit in your diet year-round may have even more benefits than previously thought.  Studies have shown that cranberries can help enhance memory and brain function, prevent dementia, and lower bad cholesterol. With the number of people…

Breakthrough Study Reveals Potential for Reversing Early-Stage Alzheimer’s
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Breakthrough Study Reveals Potential for Reversing Early-Stage Alzheimer’s

As we age, the fear of developing Alzheimer’s disease and losing our cognitive abilities can be daunting. The heartbreaking experience of watching a loved one suffer from dementia can leave us feeling helpless and uncertain about our own future. But the good news is, the fight against Alzheimer’s disease is far from over.  You may…

Could Vitamin D Deficiency Lead to Dementia?
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Could Vitamin D Deficiency Lead to Dementia?

Vitamin D reacts with receptors throughout the body. Most vitamin D is produced in the skin through sunlight exposure, and about 10% of it comes from food as part of a healthy, well-balanced diet.  This vitamin is well-known for its involvement in calcium, bone metabolism, and bone integrity, but recent research discovered it has more…

What Your Walking Speed Says About Your Brain Health & Dementia Risk
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What Your Walking Speed Says About Your Brain Health & Dementia Risk

Walking is a fun and purposeful exercise for all ages. Whether your intent is to lose weight, flatten your stomach, firm up all over, or even clear your mind — brisk walking is good for your health.  Brisk walking can help prevent heart disease, diabetes, depression, or arthritis. [1] But did you know that something…

Tips for Communicating With Loved Ones With Dementia & How to Find Joy in the Journey
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Tips for Communicating With Loved Ones With Dementia & How to Find Joy in the Journey

If you live with the elderly or interact regularly with older people, you may know someone suffering from dementia. While dementia may start out barely noticeable, it certainly doesn’t stay that way. After a while, it can feel as though we’ve completely lost who our loved ones used to be.  Though it can be scary…

New Study Shows Piano Lessons May Help Delay Dementia Onset in Older Adults
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New Study Shows Piano Lessons May Help Delay Dementia Onset in Older Adults

Dementia is a debilitating brain condition that affects cognitive functions such as memory, thought processes, and social abilities. As a result, dementia has a negative impact on everyday activities.  Different medical conditions can manifest dementia. Alzheimer’s disease is the most common, accounting for 60 to 80% of cases. [1]  Other causes of dementia are linked…

Overexplaining Linked to Childhood Trauma, According to Neuroscientist
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Overexplaining Linked to Childhood Trauma, According to Neuroscientist

Most people associate their childhood with feelings of safety, comfort, and security. But for some, their early years were marked by neglect, pain, or anguish at home. If this sounds familiar, then you may have lived through childhood trauma.  When trauma happens, a child’s emotional or physical needs are not attended to properly. The loss…