gut health

13 Delicious Foods To Support Healthy Blood Pressure Levels

13 Delicious Foods To Support Healthy Blood Pressure Levels

According to the American College of Cardiology and American Heart Association’s 2017 Hypertension Guideline, 47.3% of American adults (116 million) have hypertension. Also known as high blood pressure. Hypertension and its effects are an area of great concern for the overall health and wellness of the US. To make matters worse, it’s estimated that only…

Top 7 Fermented Foods To Include In Your Diet
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Top 7 Fermented Foods To Include In Your Diet

What Are Fermented Foods & Why Should I Eat Them? Fermentation allows food items to sit for an extended time in conditions that will enable the sugars and carbs to be broken down by bacteria, yeasts, or other microorganisms present in the food. The byproducts of this breakdown change the food into something altogether different….

Liver Cleanse: Detox Your Liver in 4 Easy Steps

Liver Cleanse: Detox Your Liver in 4 Easy Steps

Like it or not, throughout our lives, we all encounter toxins. Suppose you eat whole foods, an organic diet, and stay away from chemicals. In that case, your exposure is less than for the average American eating a processed food diet filled with artificial ingredients and unhealthy ingredients and using chemical-filled conventional hygiene, beauty, and…