how to be healthy eating

4 Ways To A Healthier Plant-Based Diet

4 Ways To A Healthier Plant-Based Diet

There’s so much evidence on the benefits of following a whole-food plant-based (WFPB) diet—for both our health and the environment—that it’s becoming more widely accepted and popular every day. In fact, a recent marketing survey reported that an astounding 70 percent of the world’s population is trying to reduce or eliminate meat consumption. After four…

About Intermittent Fasting: Possible Benefits and How to Try It
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About Intermittent Fasting: Possible Benefits and How to Try It

Let’s talk about intermittent fasting since it’s been getting increasing attention lately from the medical community. It’s exactly what it sounds like: interspersing extended periods of not eating in between regular meals. You don’t (necessarily) change what you eat or how much you eat at a meal. You just change when you eat. This isn’t…

Time to save children – The Ugly Truth About Child Abuse
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Time to save children – The Ugly Truth About Child Abuse

Once more, my heart broke upon hearing the story; the horrible story that most turn away from. This time, the news came from Idaho.  A baby had a fractured skull and brain bleed.  The infant was a victim of shaken baby syndrome and was severely malnourished, getting only enough calories to keep his heart beating. It…

11 Insane Health Benefits of Artichokes

11 Insane Health Benefits of Artichokes

People love eating artichokes because of their delicious taste. However, not many people know that artichokes are packed with numerous fantastic health benefits. Nutritionists recommend adding them to your diet for the various health benefits they offer. Though many people think artichokes are vegetables, they are classified as a thistle in the sunflower family. Beyond…