
“Reverse Engineering” Brain Tissue Reveals Sugar-Studded Protein Linked to Alzheimer’s Disease
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“Reverse Engineering” Brain Tissue Reveals Sugar-Studded Protein Linked to Alzheimer’s Disease

Aging is a natural process of life. Our brains and bodies gradually change as we become older.  These changes have an impact on our physical and mental capabilities, as well as our risk of disease. The amount to which we experience aging differs from person to person, but for some, Alzheimer’s disease is a dreaded…

Successful Weight Loss: Scientists Show That It Might All Be in Your Head
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Successful Weight Loss: Scientists Show That It Might All Be in Your Head

A person whose weight is higher than what is considered healthy for their given height is described as overweight or even suffering from obesity. Obesity has spread beyond rich countries to affect people of all income levels. (1, 2) Defined as a high BMI (body mass index), obesity is a risk factor for many of…

Fecal Transplants May Reduce Effects of Aging in the Gut, Eyes, and Brain
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Fecal Transplants May Reduce Effects of Aging in the Gut, Eyes, and Brain

If your body’s aging aches and pains keep you sidelined or slow you down, you are not alone.  Thought-provoking conversations on how to reverse aging are changing. How about throwing fecal transplants into these discussions?  This is not something you’d read about in your average anti-aging magazine, we are guessing! Fecal transplantation or fecal microbiota…

Dropping Acidity Raised as an Overlooked Culprit in Alzheimer’s Disease
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Dropping Acidity Raised as an Overlooked Culprit in Alzheimer’s Disease

Alzheimer’s disease, the most common type of dementia, slowly destroys memory, behavior, and the capacity to think clearly. Eventually, sufferers lose the ability to carry out the simplest tasks due to brain shrinkage (atrophy) and cell death. (1)  Worldwide, over 55 million people are believed to suffer from Alzheimer’s disease (2), while in the United…

Thyroid: Doctor Highlights ‘Warning Signs of Hyperthyroidism’ – ‘Irritability’
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Thyroid: Doctor Highlights ‘Warning Signs of Hyperthyroidism’ – ‘Irritability’

Meeting our responsibilities while fulfilling our personal needs is all well and good — until everything catches up with us. We may then realize we are not looking after ourselves physically or emotionally. Our emotional signals may tell us that we are out of balance — such as irritability, overwhelm, and even resentment.  Many women…

Standing on One Leg May Indicate How Long You Will Live
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Standing on One Leg May Indicate How Long You Will Live

Credible evidence continues to show that the best way to help your chances of living a long life is to follow the advice from health experts.  This is usually to eat well, pay attention to your weight, exercise regularly, get plenty of sleep, drink lots of water, and avoid bad habits. (2) Many things can…

Vitamin K2 may be Helpful for People at Risk of Dementia
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Vitamin K2 may be Helpful for People at Risk of Dementia

Dementia is a terrible health condition. Those who suffer from dementia will notice a decline in cognition and memory that will continue to get worse and worse.  Unfortunately, there is no cure for dementia. When a person develops dementia, the fear can be overwhelming: all they can do is wait, dreading the disease’s disastrous impacts. …

Brisk Walking Is Able to Slow Down The Biological Aging Process
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Brisk Walking Is Able to Slow Down The Biological Aging Process

A variety of factors can influence our walking speed capabilities as individuals, including lung capacity and motor control, as well as our mental health and motivation levels.  Exercise is vital for well-being and, therefore, for overall health. Any activity is great, and it’s enough to walk briskly.  If you combine walking briskly with being outdoors,…

One Word Is All It Takes to Calm an Anxious Mind
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One Word Is All It Takes to Calm an Anxious Mind

Feeling anxious can make it hard to concentrate and leave you constantly worrying about what could go wrong. You might find yourself thinking “what if” a lot, feeling uncertain, and imagining disasters. Anxiety can change the way we think, making us more focused on potential problems instead of solutions. It can also make us feel…