
When you wake up and make yourself some oatmeal and reach for that glass of OJ, did you know that by powering these two breakfast staples, you optimize and level up the nutritional value of each? Recent research has found that drinking orange juice high in vitamin C while eating non-processed oatmeal doubles the health benefits. Studies have found that this combination helps clean your arteries and prevent heart attacks more than if you were just to have one. Researchers believe both foods have an organic compound called phenols which stabilize your bad cholesterol (LDL) when consumed together.

What Does a Serving of Orange Juice Look Like?

Nutritionists suggest restricting orange juice consumption to 5-6 ounces per day because of the sugar content. Crushing fruit into juice releases the sugars in the fruit, which can cause damage to teeth. Even unsweetened fruit juice and smoothies can be sugary. Plus, juice does not contain the fiber found in whole fruits and vegetables.

What Does a Serving of Oatmeal Look Like?

A single serving of oatmeal is equivalent to one cup of cooked oats. Unprocessed oats are high in fiber, calcium, and B vitamins and low in calories and sodium. Plus, as natural food, steel-cut oats lack artificial additives.

Frequently Asked Questions About Oatmeal

Can Oatmeal Go Bad?

Oatmeal can go wrong if it is stored in a wet area. The wetness can cause the oatmeal to become ruined. Plus, dry oatmeal can pick up the odors of other foods, which will change the taste. Some people transfer their dry oatmeal to sealed glass containers to ensure longer shelf life. The critical thing to remember here is that the quality of oatmeal will slowly deteriorate over time. Its texture and color might change slightly, and so can its flavor. After a few years of storing oatmeal, you might be unsatisfied with its quality and decide to throw it away.

Can Oatmeal Lower Cholesterol?

Oatmeal contains soluble fiber that reduces your low-density lipoprotein (LDL), the β€œbad” cholesterol that can increase your risk of heart attacks and strokes. Soluble fiber appears to reduce your body’s absorption of cholesterol from the intestines. So yes, add oatmeal to your diet if you are trying to lower your cholesterol levels.

What is the Healthiest Oatmeal?

Studies suggest that steel-cut oats are the healthiest even though they are slightly processed. Often referred to as Irish oats, steel-cut oats take longer to cook, contain the most nutrients (and anti-nutrients such as phytic acid), and taste nuttier than conventional oats. They have the most β€˜chew’ of any of the oat varieties.

Which Oatmeal Is Gluten-Free?

Pure oats and pure oatmeal do not contain gluten. However, most oatmeal brands today are not pureβ€”they contain oats that have been cross-contaminated with a tiny amount of wheat, barley, and rye.

Can Oatmeal Give You Gas?

Whole grains such as wheat and oats contain fiber, raffinose, and starch. All of these are broken down by bacteria in the large intestine, which can lead to gas.

Can Oatmeal Help You Lose Weight?

Oatmeal can help keep you from packing on pounds, according to a new study from the Journal of the American College of Nutrition. Researchers think it has to do with the fact that oatmeal is thicker and delivers more filling fiber than other cereals.

Frequently Asked Questions About Orange Juice

Is Orange Juice Healthy?

Orange juice can be a healthy addition to a low-fat diet rich in fresh fruits and vegetables. Moderation is the key with orange juice. The nutrients from orange juice may help lower your risk of severe medical conditions, but eating whole produce is a better choice. This is especially true if you are concerned about your blood sugar levels, teeth, or weight loss.

How Much Should You Drink?

Nutritionists suggest 8 to 12 oz. at the most unsweetened orange juice daily.

Pulp or No Pulp?

Some studies have suggested that higher pulp orange juice is more nutritious than no-pulp varieties because of the flavonoids contained in the pulp. Eating foods containing flavonoids helps neutralize the oxidative and inflammatory stress generated by unhealthy food and helps prevent blood vessel damage.

Can Orange Juice Cause Weight Gain?

A recent study found that drinking 100 percent fruit juice can lead to weight gain while consuming fresh whole fruit results in weight loss. The study found that an increase of one six-ounce serving of 100 percent fruit juice per day was associated with a modest, long-term weight gain. Once again, moderation is the key when consuming orange juice.

Does Orange Juice Help With a Cold?

Yes and no! Vitamin C can help with excellent inflammation, but orange juice is highly acidic, and acidic liquids will aggravate an already-scratchy throat. Plus, orange juice contains a lot of sugar, which can create problems with your immune system. Extra sugar can reduce the quality of your white blood cells, which helps keep your immune system running smoothly.

Can Orange Juice Keep You Hydrated?

The water in orange juice can help to hydrate our bodies. Juice can be described as water bound to a substance. Once again, orange juice has to be consumed in moderation due to the high concentration of sugars. Orange juice should be considered a secondary choice for hydration.

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