
Could Our Gut Bacteria Help Boost Our Cancer Treatment Efforts?
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Could Our Gut Bacteria Help Boost Our Cancer Treatment Efforts?

Cancer is one of the leading causes of death worldwide, accounting for almost one in every six fatalities. [1] According to researchers, the disease can develop as a result of immunosurveillance attenuation and immunological tolerance to tumor-derived antigens. Specific bacterial or viral infections have been linked to the development of several malignancies. Despite recent advances,…

The Poop Cure: Fecal Transplantation To Possibly Cure Diabetes
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The Poop Cure: Fecal Transplantation To Possibly Cure Diabetes

If I told you way back in time that diabetes could be cured using healthy people’s poop–you’d probably laugh at me in the face.  But with the current technological improvements and recent discoveries about our bodies, a fecal microbiome transplant—or poop transplant—is now possible. Why Poop? It may sound horrible, but the term “poop” or…

Newly Discovered Low-Calorie Sweetener May Improve Gut Health
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Newly Discovered Low-Calorie Sweetener May Improve Gut Health

People enjoy their sweet treats. One need only look at the enormous range of sodas, candies, and baked products sold globally.  However, sugar consumption has been related to the rising prevalence of noncommunicable diseases such as obesity, cardiovascular diseases, gastrointestinal infections, and type 2 diabetes.  These days, significant efforts have been made to reformulate products,…

Sleep: The Shift In Your Sleep Which May Be An ‘Early’ Marker of Dementia
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Sleep: The Shift In Your Sleep Which May Be An ‘Early’ Marker of Dementia

Sleep is one of those tricky problems. We struggle to fall asleep. We struggle to stay asleep. We struggle to get good sleep. But our sleep schedule can actually tell us a lot about our body, health, and state of mind. A new study shows, that how long you sleep may be a warning sign…

The Secret to Happiness, According to This Harvard Professor: A Reverse Bucket List
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The Secret to Happiness, According to This Harvard Professor: A Reverse Bucket List

Arthur Brooks, a Harvard professor, recently wrote an article reflecting on the nature of happiness. It’s hard, he says, for people to stay happy. Biologically, we are programmed to be in competition with each other, since the people who are doing best are (theoretically) the ones to pass on their dreams. Psychologists Phillip Brickman and…

Israeli Study Offers Strongest Proof Yet of Vitamin D’s Power to Fight COVID
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Israeli Study Offers Strongest Proof Yet of Vitamin D’s Power to Fight COVID

After two years of COVID-19, it is starting to feel like the new normal. COVID seems everywhere and possibly inevitable – which is frightening considering how varied the effects are. You might not even notice you have it – or it could kill you. But what if there were a way to help fight COVID,…

How Much Water You’re Actually Supposed To Drink Each Day – And Why
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How Much Water You’re Actually Supposed To Drink Each Day – And Why

We’ve all heard the folk wisdom that eight cups of water a day is the magic amount to keep your body going strong. However, just like the human body has different caloric needs, depending on a variety of factors, each body needs a different amount of water to stay functional. Below, we’ll explore hydration and…

Weird Link Discovered Between Physical Attractiveness And The Immune System
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Weird Link Discovered Between Physical Attractiveness And The Immune System

Can you remember when you last felt the most beautiful? Does the face in looking- glass please you? Does any of this matter? A large and recent study has revealed evidence linking physical attractiveness to immune system function. While many questions remain unanswered, the researchers believe their findings indicate that “a relationship between facial attractiveness…

Fibromyalgia Likely the Result of Autoimmune Problems
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Fibromyalgia Likely the Result of Autoimmune Problems

Sometimes it may seem all of the new findings, investigations, and studies in medicine can be far too much for the average person to keep track of. Fortunately, specialists across the medical landscape know the advancements in research that are available to them, and are constantly diving deep into research that may help solve patients’…